10 e-Learning Trends in 2020 That Will Change Your Mind

10 e-Learning Trends in 2020 That Will Change Your Mind

We had come a long way from the times when education only meant sitting in a classroom in front of a blackboard, eagerly taking notes as a professor dictates.

Stay in Touch of Upcoming E-learning Trends

E-learning already became a must-have for modern students in many corners of the world, and we’re about to witness a significant rise in the interest of e-learning platforms and techniques in the years to come. Here are the game-changing trends we can expect to affect e-learning in 2020.

1. Mobile learning

Mobile learning

The year 2019 was marked by a profusion of mobile e-learning solutions created to resemble the available desktop platforms. Mobile learning is here to stay. In 2020, we expect to see and use even more apps designed specifically to help smartphone and tablet users educate themselves on the go whenever they want.

2. Microlearning

So much to do in so little time. This is probably how most people felt during the last decade. As our appetites for knowledge and connection to the world grow, we begin to realize that a single day is often too short of accomplishing all we set out to do.

This is why a trend called microlearning gained such traction and shows no signs of stopping in 2020. Consuming content and information in “bite-sized” chunks allows learners to dedicate the time they have to self-improvement they seek. Even the busiest of schedules allow for a few minutes of reading, listening or playing an interactive educational game.

3. Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning

The good old collaborative (or social) learning is coming back in big style. Sharing experiences, lessons, and other educational aspects are now moving online to forums, learning circles, and (in)formal chats. As social learning proves to be more efficient and accessible than formal training, companies are expected to support and nurture this type of e-learning in the year to come.

4. Video-based and interactive learning

Video-based and interactive learning

It’s no secret that video forms have become extremely popular in recent years. As far as we can tell, they’re only to become even more consumed and loved. Their visual appeal and engaging nature make them perfect learning tools for students and workforce professionals alike.

Interactive videos transform learners from passive information consumers into active, fully present participants in the learning process, keeping their attention and retaining knowledge.

5. Self-directed learning

Whether you are a professional essay writer, motion graphic designer, or construction engineer, you can expect 2020 to be the year of dedicated self-improvement and self-directed learning.

Students and professionals will benefit from searchable, well-cataloged systems and personalized user-generated content created to help filter the vast offer of information. However, the basis of self-directed learning remains individual effort, proactivity, and perseverance.

6. Performance support tools

To learn more about a topic they’re interested in, apply what they’ve learned to solve real problems, and effectively clear any bottlenecks along the way, individuals will in 2020, turn to PSTs (performance support tools) for help and guidance. From written forms (post-it and quick reference notes) to electronic (apps, learning portals, forums, social media groups, etc.), PSTs serve one goal: increasing performance and nurturing productivity.

7. Boosting work-life skills

In a modern workplace, soft skills have become just as important as hard skills. Communication, empathy, leadership, collaboration, and proactivity are important in personal and professional life. Companies and educational institutions will work hard to provide appropriate conditions and e-learning tools to help develop and support these students and employees’ traits.

8. Game-based learning

Another e-learning trend is game-based learning. Games make learning fun and engaging for kids and adults alike. Carefully planned and created educational games help learners focus, stay interested, memorize better, and can even positively influence their behavior.

In 2020, the gaming industry will continue to support e-learning platforms, including mobile apps, VR, AR, interactive videos, and others.

9. Immersive learning

Immersive learning

As Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality (AR, VR, and MR) become increasingly advanced. Educators worldwide begin to use them as tools to provide a truly immersive learning experience. The aim is to capture the students’ attention and engage them in educational content.

As the costs of these technologies drop, AR, VR, and MR are steadily joining mainstream e-learning in 2020 and beyond.

10. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in learning

In 2020, AI will continue to provide educators with data that helps them make learning more effective. Simultaneously, learners will continue to enjoy their education to make the most out of the process.


In the years behind us, young people have built a strong preference for learning from smartphones and tablets. As the possibilities become more and more inspiring, students from all over the world start opting for online training and courses instead of or in addition to the traditional classroom-based methods.

Therefore, staying in touch with the upcoming e-learning trends becomes crucial for educational institutions, corporate environments, and educational creators.

James Murphy

James Murphy is a content creator and editor at dissertation writing services. He passionately writes about social media, digital marketing, education, and self-improvement topics. James is a father of two lovely toddlers and a dedicated supporter of the New York Yankees.

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