Sales evolution

Sales transformation

Progress does not stand still. Expectations change over time, which entails the need for changes in approaches to interaction with clients. Over the years, we have seen a true revolution in sales, from personal sales visits to online webinars. Each of these methods opens up new opportunities for businesses.

From Traveling Salesman To Online Webinars

In this article, we will look at the history of sales development. From the time when traveling salesmen went door to door to offer their products to modern online platforms. Where webinars have become integral for interacting with audiences and promoting products and services.

Traveling salesmen at the beginning of the journey

Eager sales reps ready to launch

In the old days, traveling salesmen were primarily the first representatives of the cold client business. They came directly to the homes of potential buyers and brought the goods they were selling. These salespeople not only offered products but, through their actions, created a unique and personalized experience for each individual customer. Demonstrating products directly to them and in their homes. They talked about the benefits, answered questions, and, of course, closed deals. Traveling salesmen not only sold goods. But also established personal relationships with clients, which, in turn, was a key factor and even the key to their success. Flexibility, adaptability, and the ability to persuade were the basis for successful sales.

This was the era of personal contact and direct communication with clients. Traveling salesmen were experts not only in their products. But also in the ability to persuade and build trusting relationships with customers. They were masters of the art of sales. And could adapt to different types of personalities and situations, making each meeting unique and personally meaningful. This approach allowed them to build long-term relationships with clients, which was considered the basis of successful trading.

Phone calls as the next stage of sales

Enhance your sales funnel with phone calls

The era of telephone calls opened a new chapter in sales history. Former traveling salesmen, now sales managers, began to use the telephone as a powerful communication tool actively. This allowed them to convey product information to consumers without leaving their offices. Telephone calls have become a significant step forward. Allowing professionals to reach a wider audience and offer products without the need for a personal visit.

This sales method had many advantages. First, it reduced the time and cost of meeting with clients. Secondly, sellers could quickly contact numerous of potential buyers, significantly increasing their chances of a successful transaction. Third, telephone calls also provided an opportunity for more personalized offers. As managers could quickly respond to customer requests and needs. However, unlike face-to-face meetings with salespeople, telephone calls required the development of new communication and persuasion skills. As salespeople had to establish a connection with the client without the possibility of visual contact and the ability to show the product they were selling.

How phone calls become the super stage of selling shares

With the development of telephone calls as a sales method, a new niche has also emerged — selling shares. There is no product, but there is something to sell! This means you don’t need to show anything, you need to convince them of the need for a purchase… Sales managers began actively calling potential investors, offering them to purchase company shares with the promise of a significant increase in income. This method of telesales also opened the door to the financial sector and investment companies, allowing them to raise capital and reach clients.

Selling stocks over the phone became especially popular during economic booms when people sought ways to invest and increase their capital. Most were even interested in the product or commodity itself. However, this sales model requires sellers to be able to persuade, build trust, and have deep knowledge of finance and the securities market.

Thus, telephone calls’ role in the sales of consumer goods was not only preserved but also significantly expanded in the financial world, opening up new opportunities for investors and businesses.

We assume that the term CTA (call-to-action, or call to action) originated during this period and was associated with the sale of shares and other securities by telephone. Managers actively “pressured” clients, convincing them to invest money “here and now,” thus narrowing the opportunity for more careful consideration of the offer.

Problems with phone calls

One of the main problems with phone calls is the lack of visual contact between the seller and the buyer. This deficiency makes it difficult to fully perceive information since human communication mainly depends on the type of product, the perception of price, and nonverbal cues such as gestures, facial expressions, and general body language. All these are very important components of communication that are completely absent in telephone conversations.

In other words, not all buyers give in to verbal persuasion to buy. Many people prefer to see a product with their own eyes and evaluate its appearance, quality, and functionality before making a purchasing decision. Telephone calls, with their limited demonstration capabilities, only sometimes fully satisfy this need.

In addition, the lack of visual contact makes building trust between the seller and the buyer difficult. A salesperson’s facial expression and demeanor play a critical role in creating a sense of trust and reliability. In telephone conversations, salespeople must rely solely on their voice and persuasion skills, which may not be enough for some customers.

So, while phone calls offer the opportunity to communicate with large audiences, they have their limitations, especially when it comes to selling products that require visual evaluation or where personal relationships and trust are important.

The screen and the world of TV shopping

The comfort of TV shopping, the convenience of online

The next very important step in the evolution of sales was television advertising. The era of TV shopping has opened up new horizons for marketing and sales, giving the opportunity to display products directly on TV screens. This format reached millions of viewers, significantly expanding the market of potential buyers. Telephone numbers that appeared on-screen during advertisements encouraged viewers to purchase, combining advertising with direct sales.

TV shopping has made it possible to present products in a dynamic and visual way, turning shopping into an exciting spectacle. Demonstration of products in action, combined with convincing words from presenters, created a powerful incentive to purchase. In addition, this format became especially popular due to its accessibility and convenience for viewers who could make purchases without leaving home. TV shopping also paved the way for advertising using celebrities and famous personalities, further enhancing its effectiveness. Thus, television shopping has become a sales method and an important part of consumer culture.

A game of trust in the world of TV shopping

Returning to the previous paragraph, the use of famous personalities and actors who inspire confidence in the public deserves special attention in the context of successful TV shopping. The presence of such faces played a key role in attracting and retaining the attention of viewers. The faces of celebrities and actors, which are associated with trust and reliability, have become a powerful tool in promoting products. Their participation in advertising created a feeling of reliability and quality of the products offered.

Even today, as advertising strategies become more complex and sophisticated, many companies, including banks and mobile operators, continue to use this method. Having a famous face in an ad is an alternative to a CTA (instant call to action). Viewers perceive celebrities as authoritative and trustworthy, encouraging them to purchase. This approach is based on the psychology of trust: when a famous person recommends a product, consumers tend to believe that the product is really excellent and deserves their attention.

Thus, actors and celebrities play a much larger role in TV shopping than just product presenters. They become symbols of reliability and quality, directly influencing consumers’ purchasing decisions. This trend highlights the importance of emotional perception and trust in purchasing decisions.

Webinars as a new era of sales

Transform your sales with webinars

As a result of the rapid development of the Internet, webinars appeared. This technology opens up incredible business opportunities by moving the sales process into the digital space. Absolutely everyone now has smartphones, Android and iPhone, even more than a TV. In addition, online webinars allow sellers to demonstrate a product and communicate with the audience in real-time, answer questions, and immediately offer the product for purchase, for example, with a flashing banner with a “celebrity face”. Therefore, webinars combine a unique combination of the personal approach of a salesman, the convenience of telephone conversations, and the visuality of television advertising, forming an extremely powerful and multifunctional sales tool.

With the advent of webinars, new horizons have opened up for marketing strategies. First, webinars allow you to reach a global audience without any geographical restrictions. Second, they provide a unique opportunity to demonstrate a product or service in action. Creating a deeper perception and understanding of potential customers’ benefits.

An important feature of webinars is their interactivity

Unlike traditional sales approaches, a webinar involves two-way communication. Two-way communication involves asking questions and participating in polls and discussions. This certainly adds value and creates interest in the product being presented. Moreover, if there are several CTAs (calls to action) in or after the webinar, they can be different. A button to buy a product, a button to download materials, or a button to register for the next event. This makes the sales process much simpler and more efficient.

With webinar software like MyOwnConference, hosts can create professional webinars with various engagement tools. Tools include presentations, video displays, chats, polls, and much more. The MyOwnConference webinar platform also provides a high degree of adaptability. Allowing you to customize webinars to specific needs and goals, making them an ideal tool for a wide range of industries.

To sum up, webinars represent the culmination of many years of evolution in sales and marketing. They not only expand sales capabilities but also add new ways to interact with customers, making the process more personalized, convenient, and efficient. Webinars are the future of customer engagement, where every customer can participate in a unique digital experience.


Sales development only reflects the need to adapt to constantly changing times and conditions. High-impact webinars today are no longer something of a technological novelty but rather represent something of an evolution in the way we interact with customers. Webinars can be a unique opportunity to combine the best of the past: the personal touch of personal selling, the convenience of phone calls, and the visibility of television advertising to open up new horizons for sales and marketing.

Today, webinar presenters act as traveling salesmen. Establishing personal contact with the audience, telephone salespeople. Providing communication at a distance, and TV marketers, visually demonstrating the goods and products being sold. This allows you not only to reveal the capabilities of a product or service but also to actively answer questions from the audience. Which helps form and change their opinion about the product or service offered. This fusion of different methods makes webinars not only an effective sales tool but also a powerful means of establishing long-term relationships with clients.

Consequently, webinars represent a new era in sales and marketing. The convergence of digital technology and human interaction creates an innovative and effective path to a unique buyer experience, which our webinar platform, MyOwnConference, helps with.


What are traveling salesmen and what do they do?

Traveling salesmen were the first business representatives to visit potential customers in their homes and personally demonstrate products.

What were the advantages and disadvantages of telesales?

Telesales allowed us to reach a wider audience and reduce costs, but it required the development of new communication skills without eye contact.

What is TV shopping, and what are its features?

TV shopping has opened up new opportunities to showcase products to millions of viewers and make purchases without leaving home. The use of celebrities increased the credibility of the products.

What advantages do webinars provide over previous sales methods?

Webinars combine a personal touch, the convenience of long-distance communication, and visual product demonstrations, delivering two-way interactivity and global reach.

Simplified online meeting and webinar software platform MyOwnConference
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