Webinar series vs one-time webinar

Webinar series vs one-time webinars

So, you have held a couple of random webinars but do not see the effects? Our clients’ experience has shown that webinar series are often way more effective than a single event held.

Webinar Series With A Webinar Platform MyOwnConference

Webinar series usually consists of several webinars united by the same overall topic and audience into a chain of events. In real life, this looks as follows: a webinar dealing with a certain topic is created and divided into several parts. Every single event gets a separate part of the considering content. Ultimately, the topic is given great and diverse consideration.

The advantages of such events for attendees are obvious: they get more information. With this approach, an attendee can register for an event once and keep receiving notifications about further events. Since each webinar in the series focuses on one part of the topic, attendees get more value for their time. Rather than trying to squeeze too much information into one event, a webinar series allows for in-depth knowledge sharing per sub-topic.

Now, from the organizers’ point of view, is it worth spending time and effort on creating a series of webinars? Well, let’s find out. We have found a few pros and cons of the webinar series.


Constant and loyal audience

Webinars are convenient tools that allow sharing of information and practical ideas with the audience.

If you hold webinars regularly and are devoted to the same agreed topic, you will most likely form your constant audience. With a webinar series, you create a group of people around you or your company, and the people will become your subscribers, visit your events regularly, read your emails, and possibly use your goods or services in the future.

In essence, webinar series minimize the risk of getting an audience to attend your webinar only to lose most or all of them after the webinar. With a series, you can maintain constant contact with your audience which will help turn them into loyal customers. Building trust is very important when it comes to dealing with potential customers, and webinar series are a great way to do this.

Expert status

By taking care of the client’s education and providing them with useful and topical content, you increase your value and attain expert status.

People trust experts and listen to their opinions. And, sure thing, they use the experts’ services. Share helpful information that can be applied in particular situations and get considerable results. When your audience respects you as a subject-matter expert in the industry, they are less likely to question your service offerings or even pricing.

Sales boost

Multiple marketing experiments prove that it is easier for a customer to place an order after several interactions with the company. This is why you should not expect immediate results after holding a single webinar. Simultaneously, the webinar series will help you get closer to your desired aims, e.g., orders placed and deals closed. Webinar series enables you to remain in the view of your potential clients all the time and keep them interested and engaged even if they are not ready to buy anything right after the first webinar.

The truth is, customers are always hesitant to pay for products or services for the first time, especially when they are not familiar with the business they’re patronizing. Thus, even if your products are excellent, customers may need a bit more encouragement and trust to be built before they go for it. Hence, the more webinars you hold, your results will improve.


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Holding a webinar series is beneficial for you because you can get more potential attendees and clients. Furthermore, in most cases, webinar platform services’ costs do not depend on the number of events you host, which means you can hold webinars practically every day at no additional cost.


More time and efforts spent on organization

You will need to spend more time and effort on a webinar series organization than a single event. You will have to prepare a keynote, a plan and presentation content for every event, invite presenters and attract attendees. To make things run smoothly, delegate some part of your responsibilities to your employees, colleagues or freelancers.

Lowering activity of attendees

You may come across a situation where, after the first webinar, the interest of attendees for the next events will decrease, with the second and the third event getting fewer visitors. To avoid this, do not forget to regularly remind your potential audience of the webinar and never stop promoting the webinar earlier than you should. It would be unrealistic to assume that all your attendees will automatically be enthusiastic about your next webinar. It is up to you to keep promoting and marketing your webinars.

Additionally, it is worth thinking over the content: share useful information, but do your best not to give all the most interesting info during the first meeting. That would simply be counterproductive because your attendees will have nothing much to look forward to in the following webinars.

By now, we believe you have a clearer idea of what is better for you: whether to organize webinar series or one-time webinars on different topics. Weighing the pros and cons, you can decide which option will work better to achieve your marketing and business goals. Whatever you may choose, with the webinar software platform MyOwnConference, preparing and holding a webinar is simple, pleasant and effective.

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