How to make the most out of online learning

How to Make the Most Out of Online Learning

Since online learning started, it has grown by 900% globally. With more and more people having access to fast internet connections and more tools and apps being available, it’s easy to see why modern e-learning has become so popular.

Online Learning As The Greatest Experience

Many students are happy with their online learning experience, with 52% of undergraduates saying they prefer it to a traditional college classroom. Let’s try to explore the benefits of online learning and then look at some useful tips to get the most out of your online studies and some tools to make it all easier.

The Benefits of Online Learning

Online learning is more flexible

One of the most significant benefits of online learning is the flexibility it offers students. Because all the learning occurs online rather than on location, you can more easily fit it around other aspects of your life.

It will likely be recorded if you cannot attend an online lecture, so you can watch it later when it suits you. The added benefit is that you can rewind and rewatch parts of the lecture if there is anything you are unsure about or didn’t quite get the first time you watched it.

Continue earning while you learn

The flexibility offered by online learning can enable you to continue earning money. This could mean working full-time while studying part-time or studying full-time while working part-time.

Online learning can be great for creative professionals who want to gain new skills and qualifications without entirely giving up their work.

Demonstrate self-motivation

When you are doing an online course, there won’t be anyone standing over you to ensure you are doing the work. This means that you must be self-motivated to complete the course successfully.

This self-motivation also applies to the world of work. Completing an online degree shows employers that you can motivate yourself and get things done without constant supervision.

Broaden your perspective

Online courses offer more flexibility in terms of the location of the students. Your course will likely have students from other parts of the world, which can give you a broader perspective. As a result, you will learn to communicate with different types of people and become more aware of other cultures.

Future employers will value this, as many companies these days are global, and jobs often involve communicating with team members and clients in other countries.

Develop your technical and time management skills

Learning online requires the use of equipment and software, such as:

  • a computer with a fast internet connection;
  • a webcam, microphone, and speakers/headphones;
  • video conferencing apps such as MyOwnConference;
  • various other tools and apps.

By the end of your course, you will likely have gained more technical skills than you had before starting. These skills are often required for many jobs, so this will significantly benefit the workplace.

Online learning — time management skills

With online learning, your study schedule won’t be planned out by someone else. Instead, you will have to plan your own time.

You are likely also trying to fit your studies around work and other commitments, which will require you to learn how to manage your time efficiently to avoid falling behind on your studies. This has an additional benefit, as future employers will then value your time management skills.

How to Be Successful in an Online Class

If you are prepared and approach your online studies in the right way, you will get more out of your course and achieve better results. Here are nine tips for effective e-learning, followed by some great tools to help you along the way.

9 Online Study Tips for Students

If you put each of these helpful tips into practice, you are much more likely to succeed with your online studies.

1. Choose the proper distance learning program

Before diving into an online course, you must first ensure it is right for you. It is not just about the subject you are studying. There are other factors to consider, such as whether the course is accredited, whether the university has a good reputation, and how much the course costs.

2. Get familiar with the technology

As mentioned earlier, online learning will require the use of technology. Find out what tools and apps you will likely need to use, and make sure you become familiar with them before you start your course.

3. Create a schedule and learn to manage your time

When studying online, it is essential to manage your time properly. Mark, all your deadlines and appointments on your calendar, then plan your study time around them. Check out this tutorial video about time management for online learners.

4. Be organized and thorough

Time management is a crucial part of being organized, but it is also essential to be organized with your study materials. It is often said that the best way to learn is to teach. Therefore, a great tip is to act like you are teaching someone else about the topic. This can involve organizing information into outlines, charts, flashcards, study guides, and concept maps.

5. Choose a quiet area to study

It’s essential that your study area is free from distractions. This is particularly important for live online classes, as you will want to be able to contribute without any background noises interfering.

6. Write up your notes

You might be tempted to believe that you don’t need to worry about taking notes since there is so much course information available online to refer to. However, making notes helps you understand the material better as you put it into your own words.

7. Contribute, communicate, and collaborate

Learning is not a one-way process, so make sure you play an active role. Ask questions about anything you are unsure of, offer assistance to other students, and participate in discussion groups and forums.

8. Take regular breaks and get enough sleep

If you push yourself too hard, your studying will suffer. So, make sure you take regular breaks to refresh yourself. The benefits of regular breaks include better memory and performance.

Additionally, ensure you get enough sleep, as a tired brain is not conducive to learning.

9. Stay Social

Studying online can be a hectic time, especially when juggling it with work and other obligations. However, it is essential to stay connected with friends and family, even if it’s just through a weekly video call or phone conversation.

Tools to Help with Online Learning

A successful online learning experience is all about being organized and effectively communicating and collaborating with the teachers and other students on your course. Here are several tools that will help you do that.

1. Notion

As mentioned earlier, it’s vital that you are organized when studying online. The notion is one of the best tools to help you do that. The best thing about Notion is how flexible it is. You can use it for to-do lists, calendars, notes, and even writing entire documents.

2. Quizlet

Flashcards are an excellent study aid, and Quizlet allows you to create digital flashcards.

Alternatively, you can search the over 250 million pre-prepared study sets catalog.

3. Grammarly

Your online course will involve writing, and Grammarly is an easy way to ensure your text is free of spelling and grammar errors. It works on most devices, highlighting any errors as you type.

There is a paid version, but the free option is great too.

4. Pomotroid

You may have heard of the Pomodoro Technique. It’s a productivity hack where you focus for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break, but every four sessions, you take a longer break.

Pomotroid is a simple, free app that you can use to time your Pomodoro sessions.

5. Mindomo

Mind maps can be an excellent way to understand and memorize information. Mindomo is an online mind-mapping tool for collaboratively creating engaging study resources. You can use it to keep yourself organized, as well as to revise for an exam.


Exploring online learning is a great opportunity to expand your horizons and not put everything off until later. Online learning experience allows you to acquire skills at the right time for you, without giving up the usual routine things.

What are the benefits of online learning?

In this day and age, the online learning experience can be very successful and rewarding. Undoubtedly, online learning allows you to achieve many results due to its benefits. E-learning is flexible, allows reaching out from everywhere, and allows you to develop skills.

What tools can help you in your online learning experience?

For the best online learning experience, you can use different tools to help you. For example, you can use some popular them, such as Notion, Quizlet, Grammarly, and other greatest alternatives.

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Vladislav Puccini

Vlad is a partnership manager and content manager at Movavi. He has 4 years of experience in the e-commerce and marketing industries. Vlad has a proven track record in developing successful marketing campaigns and driving growth for online businesses.

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