Webinars are powerful and have become a famous platform for teaching and sharing ideas and knowledge. Webinars have become a powerful digital tool and in 2018 alone more than 500,000 webinars have been organized via the webinar software platform MyOwnConference. These webinars have gathered more than 10 million people all across the globe. Now that is a massive number.
Continue reading “How to sell your webinar and have an income”Video Conferencing in Education
When we think of high-quality education, high-tech labs and classrooms immediately spring to mind. But what about video conferencing? Can it revolutionize education in a way a computer once did?
Continue reading “Video Conferencing in Education”Webinar Invitation Email: The Friendliest Examples
How do you write and design a webinar invitation email to get those sweet conversions flowing? In this article we shall explore some of the prominent webinar invitation email examples and why they might be successful or not.
Continue reading “Webinar Invitation Email: The Friendliest Examples”Give a Webinar Presentation
Presenting is speaking in front of people to explain a topic, idea, view, etc. to your audience. Presentation skills are important as every individual has to face circumstances in which he or she has to explain their perspective to others. Presenting can be explaining any topic; it is not limited to business or colleges only.
Continue reading “Give a Webinar Presentation”How to Build a Webinar Sales Funnel
Let’s say you want to go beyond building awareness and enjoying the attention of possibly hundreds of people. Let’s say you want to do the difficult part, which is convincing people that your product/service is worth their hard-earned money.
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