Successful Webinars: 16 Rules

webinar rules

The webinar platform MyOwnConference has hosted over a million webinars by now. We have analyzed the best ones and outlined 16 webinar rules which will help you to prepare and hold a successful event if you follow them.

Take Care of Your Webinar’s Title!

Firstly, choose the perfect webinar title. Make your headline interesting, catchy, yet reflecting the topic of your event.

Choose proven webinar hosting.

Secondly, look for suitable webinar software. Prefer webinar platforms that guarantee stable broadcasting and failure protection.

Prepare a laconic and engaging presentation

Be sure to avoid complicated schemes and graphs during the webinar. The meaning of images should be obvious from the very first glance, with no additional explanations necessary.

Plan your webinar content with your audience in mind

The webinar has to be relevant to them if you are to be successful in your aims of securing engagement and leads.

Think about the timing of your webinar

If you are speaking to an audience across several international locations, remember to choose a time when most people are more likely to be able to attend.

Promote your webinar

There are many different webinar promotion tools that you can do this including writing a blog post and including a link. In addition, you can share a teaser video across social media and include a link in your email signature to promote your webinar.

Use good lighting

This is because standard webcams do not provide excellent image quality under poor lighting.

Prefer monochrome clothes

Striped and squared shirts and blouses can produce image flickering.

Read more about how to important is a professional background in a video conference.

Never start your webinar with “let’s get closer to our stuff”

Attendees are still tense, and your task is to make them relax and win them over. It would be best if you told some topical story or joke instead.

Introduce yourself.

If attendees do not know you or your activities well, give them brief information about those at the beginning of your presentation.

Use interactive tools

Make sure that your webinar is interactive so that your audience feels as though they are involved. For example, it helps to use chat and social media connectivity to make this happen.

Talk about the research that proves your key messages.

Provide exact statistics rather than words like “many,” “most,” etc.

Make your webinar live

People find it more interesting to listen to examples from their activities. So, include real stories and examples in your presentations.

Concentrate on your story and presentation

Solving technical problems during the webinar should be done by a dedicated person — your moderator.

Do not try to tell too much information during a single webinar.

It would be more effective to make your attendees understand how to achieve faster a real result, even a small one, in solving some problem.

How Can The Webinar Be Improved? Must Know

Prepare handout materials

You will send these files to your attendees via email later. This will help form a positive impression of you and remind your attendees about what you spoke about, even after several years.

Distribute your time correctly

Keep tracking your time so that you have enough of it for telling everything you promised to.

Demonstrate diverse content

Do not limit yourself to one single keynote during the event. To clarify, webinars’ advantage is the possibility of using additional tools unavailable for other types of online communication.

Do not lose contact with webinar attendees

Email them with the webinar recording, connect with them on social media, or invite them to attend future webinars.

Ask for feedback about your webinar.

This should always be done straight away so that the webinar is fresh in the minds of the audience. You can then use the feedback to help you when you organize your next webinar.

In short, we have listed 16 webinar rules that will help you get your audience interested in your material and hold a great webinar. Yet, do remember that there are exceptions to any webinar rules. So, this is why it is important that you note your own feelings and create your own webinar history with our webinar platform.

Dan Daemon
Dan Daemon

An expert behind the simplified online meeting and webinar software platform, MyOwnConference. In today’s flexible work environment, Dan offers invaluable life hacks, in-depth reviews, and savvy tips for organizing, promoting, and excelling in virtual conferences and webinars.

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