Before online learning became possible, the educational system had changed very little over the centuries. Today, things are very, very different.
Continue reading “6 reasons why online education works”7 mistakes of webinar presenters
Webinars have become an effective channel for the promotion of numerous products and services. Yet, even with successful webinars, there are many unexpected events that happen due to mistakes made during preparation. In this article, we’ll look at the most popular webinar mistakes and give the best ways of solving them. Let’s dive right in!
Continue reading “7 mistakes of webinar presenters”How to record an automated webinar
The e-learning industry has grown significantly in the last couple of years. And the future of education depends on it.
Continue reading “How to record an automated webinar”Creating online training courses with the VR and AR technologies
Today, few would doubt the power of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies.
Indeed, online courses are already undergoing a transformation thanks to the potential offered by AR and VR. Both systems present unparalleled opportunities for educators to enhance online training courses.
Tips for effective meetings in software projects
Meetings are common in every business sector, but there might be a lot of them in the IT industry due to the nature of the work. But sometimes, these meetings themselves become a hindrance to progress instead of making sure that things get done.
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