Email messages are a quick and convenient means of communication with your webinar participants. Generally, it should not be just confined to a reminder of the webinar broadcast start and the link to the webinar room. Communication with webinar participants over email can become a full-fledged component of your marketing strategy.
Continue reading “Email Campaign Before and After Webinars”10 Original Email Campaign Ideas to Attract More Audience
Email campaigns serve as webinar invitations as well as sources of engagement and information about the upcoming event and the company upon the whole. But how should a good email campaign look like? It should be interesting, original, consistent, you would say. It is all true, but most importantly, it must work and bring you clients. Here you can find 10 ideas for a creative and effective email campaign that will make your clients want to visit and pay for your webinar.
Continue reading “10 Original Email Campaign Ideas to Attract More Audience”How to tell stories during webinars?
Today, let’s talk about storytelling — not the fairy tale kind, and not just as an e-learning buzzword. We’ll focus on using it as a powerful tool to build your brand and boost your business.
Continue reading “How to tell stories during webinars?”Webinar service or YouTube?
Live broadcasts and webinars are being used more and more to grow businesses and personal brands. You are more likely to see a brand rather than your friends broadcasting on Facebook and YouTube.
Continue reading “Webinar service or YouTube?”7 Ideas How Nonprofits Can Use Webinars
Webinars are online events that connect people from across the globe in a common digital space. They have a wide range of potential applications, but here we shall focus on how nonprofit organizations can benefit from their hosting.
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