Webinars are becoming one of the most powerful tools in modern business and communication. They open huge opportunities in any activity: social, political or economic. So read how to use webinars efficiently.
Continue reading “How to Use Webinars Efficiently”Webinar announcement
Webinar announcements are placed on the registration pages, in social networks and emails. A good announcement would contain major information about the webinar and answers to visitors’ possible questions concerning the upcoming event. On top of that, such an announcement motivates users to register for the webinar. Below, 10 questions are offered that would help you prepare a quality informative announcement.
Continue reading “Webinar announcement”How to participate in a webinar
How to participate in a webinar? It is easy: you can connect to an event from virtually any place in the world (with internet access, of course).
Continue reading “How to participate in a webinar”Reviewing The Lost Art of the Great Speech by Richard Dowis
A public speech’s success depends on many factors: the logic of the speech, its richness, correct mimics, visual contact with an audience, and even the speaker’s appearance.
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