A guide to webinar marketing

webinar marketing

Webinars are vital tools when marketing your products or services. They allow you to reach a large international audience at once. You can also set up your live webinar to enable your audience to easily interact with you, helping you enhance your brand’s reputation worldwide.

Perfect Marketing With Webinar Tools MyOwnConference

If you want to optimize your webinar content’s effectiveness, you need to strategize and plan to create content that develops your business’s possible leads. With this in mind, let’s start by examining what webinar marketing is and then take a look at how you can get the best results from it.

What is webinar marketing?

The word webinar comes from a combination of the words “web seminar”. Using a webinar gives you the chance to talk to an audience across the world. This is something you cannot get from a traditional seminar due to travel and accommodation restrictions.

During the webinar, you can engage with your audience by providing them with useful information. As part of this presentation, you can introduce your audience to your products or services. However, it’s important to remember that your webinar should not come over as simply being a massive sales pitch as this is likely to put people off.

The audience has to get some perfect value from the webinar, which helps them see you and your business team as experts in your field. This makes them more likely to engage with your brand and helps to increase your sales.

Creating a webinar marketing strategy

marketing strategy

To optimize the effectiveness of your webinars, you need to have a strategy in place. There are several things that you need to think about when you are developing your strategy.

  • What type of audience are you trying to attract?
  • What is your budget for your webinar marketing?
  • Which topics will help you to sell your products or services?
  • How are you going to track the success of your webinars?
  • Which webinar platform are you going to use?
  • How are you going to promote your webinars?

This strategy needs to cover all of your webinar content, so it helps to include a plan for when you will host webinars in the coming twelve months. Choose your dates carefully. For example, you may want to host a webinar in the lead-up to releasing a new product.

Having this strategy in place means that you have a foundation for planning each individual webinar going forward.

Planning your marketing webinar

Using your webinar strategy as a foundation, you need to start planning each webinar around four to six weeks before you are due to host it. The amount of planning time needed depends on aspects such as the audience’s size and the complexity of the topic. There are several key points that you need to cover as part of your planning.

Pay attention to timing

Most busy people are more likely to watch webinars during the afternoon on a weekday. However, you need to take a closer look at your audience to understand when you are more likely to reach them. You should also plan to record your webinar content as this helps you reach people who do not attend the live event and optimize your sales leads.

When it comes to your webinar length, statistics show that the optimum length is usually 30 — 45 minutes. However, you may be able to host a longer webinar, depending on the topic and whether professional people find it valuable enough to dedicate a significant amount of their time.

Know who you are marketing to

It’s difficult to increase your sales using webinars if you sell to the wrong people. So, you need to look at your contacts carefully before deciding who to invite. Think about your target persona’s attributes and challenges to understand who you want as members of your audience.

This applies to your promotions for your webinar as much as it does for the contacts you already have. For example, you need to think about which social media channels your target persona is likely to use and aim to reach them there.

Decide on a compelling topic

Remember that the topic of your webinar is not about you. Obviously, you need to choose a topic that you know a lot about so that your content is valuable. However, you also need to select a topic that will attract people to your webinar.

For example, you may want to provide a “how-to” presentation that addresses your audience’s pain point. This allows you to provide the help that is of value to attendees while also introducing one of your products that can be of use.

Your topic needs to be attractive. You are asking people to give up their time to attend your webinar, and they will only do this if the topic grabs their attention.

Develop content that engages your audience

Once you have a topic for your webinar, you need to develop relevant content that keeps your audience engaged. Start by developing an outline for your content including a script and a slide deck. Remember that your slide deck should not be filled with too much text. Keep the wording relevant and brief and include graphics and charts to illustrate what you are saying.

Once you have the outline of your content, you can flesh it out. This may include providing accompanying handouts that you can send to attendees. Do not go over the top. A streamlined presentation that gets to the point and provides real value is likely to provide the most sales success.

Create a registration page

You need to make it easy for people to register for your webinar. Creating a dedicated registration landing page helps you to do this. It’s important that you do not make your form like “War and Peace”. A lengthy form is likely to put people off.

Keep questions you need to pursue potential leads to the minimum, such as asking for a name and email address. By completing this form, the attendee will automatically register through the webinar software you use.

Promote your webinar

Promoting your webinar is essential if you want to secure as many leads as possible. If you already have a contact list, you can segment it and send invites to the people who match your attendee persona.

You should also promote your webinar using other channels. For example, think about the challenges that your webinar addresses and ask a question about dealing with the challenge on your social media platforms. Then, promote your webinar as means of answering this question and more. You should also use your blog to promote your webinar, by creating a blog post around it.

Carefully plan the hosting of the webinar itself

You can have a fantastic webinar organized, but complications on the day can still prevent you from impacting the sales you aim for. So, you need to plan as much for the day as possible.

In the week running up to the webinar, it helps to do a trial run. This helps you to identify any issues with your content, allows you to rehearse what you have to say, and identify any potential technical issues.

On the day itself, check all of your equipment. It helps to have spare equipment, such as a laptop and mic, to hand in case there are any problems. Give yourself plenty of time to carry out these checks so that you remain relaxed.

Do not forget the post-webinar follow-up

Remember to plan for what you do after the webinar as well as for the event itself. This includes sending a follow-up email to attendees. You should ask them for feedback and provide them with a recording of the webinar.

You can also treat this as an opportunity to engage with them further in order to attract them to your products or services. For example, you could ask them to sign-up for further webinars or newsletters, or you could provide them with an offer that is exclusive to attendees.

By incorporating these webinar marketing strategies and utilizing top-notch webinar tools, you can craft impactful webinars that boost your lead generation and drive sales.

Dan Daemon
Dan Daemon

An expert behind the simplified online meeting and webinar software platform, MyOwnConference. In today’s flexible work environment, Dan offers invaluable life hacks, in-depth reviews, and savvy tips for organizing, promoting, and excelling in virtual conferences and webinars.

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