Is your business one of those that had to shift to remote work due to the COVID-19 outbreak? Have you been considering a remote work option for some future job positions? Or are you just looking for ways to improve your team collaboration?
Continue reading “Boost Team Collaboration”Create a webinar with your team from home
Due to the pandemic ravaging the world, many people work from home and do their best to deliver the work expected from them. But staying at home away from all your team members can make it difficult for colleagues not present in the same room to work together on projects, presentations, and other things that need a team effort.
Continue reading “Create a webinar with your team from home”Record Webinars on Your Computer
Numerous moderators and visitors of webinars have the same question — how to record webinars.
Continue reading “Record Webinars on Your Computer”Video conferencing or webinars through VPN
Yes, we work! … Restriction of freedom on the Internet, when access to certain resources is blocked, has contributed significantly to the popularity of VPNs. VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a technology that spoofs your location on the Internet and helps to preserve confidentiality.
Continue reading “Video conferencing or webinars through VPN”How to be more productive
Over the last couple of weeks, there’s been a bombardment of articles on what it means to be productive in times of a global pandemic.
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