7 mistakes of webinar presenters

How to fix common webinar presenter mistakes.

Webinars have become an effective channel for the promotion of numerous products and services. Yet, even with successful webinars, there are many unexpected events that happen due to mistakes made during preparation. In this article, we’ll look at the most popular webinar mistakes and give the best ways of solving them. Let’s dive right in!

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Webinars managed by a team

Webinars managed by a team

If you have ever hosted a webinar, you must have learned that preparation takes time and effort. First, you prepare a checklist for the event, which may include preparing a keynote, setting up a webinar room and inviting attendees. However, this is not enough! Hosting a webinar can not be a one-person show. It would help if you had a team behind your back, taking care of at least some parts of these tasks.

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